Rolling Coat Rack OK I Am On A Mission, I Am At Work Going On 10 Hours-getting A Bit Loopy What Should I Build And Or Create?

OK I am on a mission, I am at work going on 10 hours-getting a bit loopy what should I build and or create? - rolling coat rack

I have access to:
Endless Trombones
All colors Highlighter
Sticky Note lots, but yellow
A copy machine
A fax
A printer
2 boards and markers
A laminator
Many plastic forks
1 fan size office
4 computers
2 rolls of tape warning
3 Book by Phone
10 rolls of duct tape
6 Nagel
1 box of staples (HUN go figure?)
1 rack
1 pliers



A Patriot said...

Ok, what am I doing hanging the rack-boards, prints some form news items from Yahoo and the use of markers in different colors, a code that looks like death threats against colleagues. Lamination of these elements, add sticky notes by highlighting words and letters and tapes folded will be chosen to guns, knives like swords, etc. to the post having regard to the formation of stars five points (with pliers if necessary). Dry erase display appears on the boards.Then to secure the hand the formation of different words in sign language that states "Your time has come for the sinners", you can see sign language on computers. Now open the list of distributors of firearms and ammunition, place the desk fan to keep it up, a page, a band, a plastic sheet on each pallet so that the sound in the context in light, and then a piece of paper dolls, giving It depends a name for your colleagues in each of the neck to do with barrier tape to attach them to the fan blowing in the wind when you turn it on. You can also use a few photos of the firearm HighlightPhonebook, the reference to the page. It remains only to fax their sign language with a translation into English hands scribbled blood at all fax machines in the company, turning on the fan and wait for the police to come and "finish to the series."

Queen A said...

Use paper clips and continuous use hooks such as on paper curtain in preparation
Attach the
2 whiteboards

Use markers to create drawings on paper, without order
This will be used as a stage and curtains, are again

And about 4 teams on the ground for them, because they are blonde
Use can no note of yellow paper tape through the use of the band collapse and
its application to other types of paper to create different looks blonde hair
I hope that u hella paper

Give your PC a woman's face makes the face and eyes and lips
Lamininating with machine rolled paper to use as the nozzle, so that the lip gloss touch

Think you are on the 4 computers crime'm not as a dumb blonde blonde
from the fan blows, flying hair, called

The forks are hair ornaments, so that the design is good
The hanger can be a microphone for blondes
Finally, tell their own jokes
(ENOugh said about them)

Bolt cutters are part of the joke
telling a joke, say something like

Why would a man in handcuffs, bolt cutters, Wal-Mart
the answer ..... it could be caught
I mean, really
everyone wears handcuffs, the purchase of Set Pliers
this time is that the blond jokes to tell
And everything else. it lies in U
what a damn difficult thing.

lilli b said...

Just go to rub the bathroom and take it!

Mawyemse... said...

Working at FedEx Kinko's?

chris said...

ufo do something that they had the paper and use a computer to obtain forms and then use the fan blow the air

dmrukife... said...

easy. a model of his office (I assume you are) in an office. People with clip and everything. I talked with all the equipment!

Mac Momma said...

Check Mazezine

S.A.M. Gunner 7212 said...

Create a time machine!

Anonymous said...

I would first call at 1999 on the idea of $ $ 3.99 to 9.93 after the first few minutes there is intelligent answers ***
or call 1999-non-support of up to $ 1.99 the first minute, then an overloaded $ 19.99, do not help lol,

Sakura T said...

a tower of garbage, and that its name, with her creative, or just sit and lol to jewelry and video clips

Jenny said...

sorry this is not the answer to your question ... However, your answer, which is written of me that I am accepting .. She said I could e-mail ... Well, I'm with wotn problems let me e-mail ... So, here is my email my name is Jenny, thank you

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